Frequently having to ask people to repeat themselves
Increasing the volume on the TV/radio
Finding that people are mumbling
Misunderstanding conversations
Having trouble hearing the telephone or doorbell or hearing in noisy/busy places
Avoiding social situations
Different types of hearing loss
Age-related – as we get older some of us lose the ability to hear softer, high pitched sounds.
Noise induced – caused by overexposure to excessive sound levels.
Conductive – caused by problem in outer and middle ear which prevents sounds getting through to the inner ear. Possible causes could be build-up of wax in the ear canal, perforated eardrum, fluid in the middle ear or damaged middle ear bones.
Sensorineural – caused by damage to the delicate sensory cells or nerve fibres in the inner ear.
GOOD NEWS After your comprehensive hearing test we will identify, breakdown and explain to you and your loved ones in detail the type of loss you have and the best course of action to get you back on track to enjoying life to the fullest. So don’t delay, take the first step on your journey to better hearing, call us today or feel free to pop in and have a no obligation chat.
I appreciate the thorough investigation and clear explanation regarding my hearing loss and for your advice on choosing the most suitable hearing aids for me. I am very pleased with the outcome – many thanks